Going Solar reduces expenses and insulates you from future utility electricity price increases.
Going Solar helps you compete with companies that take advantage of lower electricity costs.
Gain control of your energy costs and increase your company’s profitability.
With solar PV you can significantly reduce energy costs for years to come.
Solar energy is a wise economical energy choice for businesses.
Reduces operating costs and increases net profit.
Many businesses have found that they can pay the same amount per year as they were when they were purchasing electricity from the utility for three years or less and pay for their Solar System.
After two to three years your system will be paid off and all of the electricity the system produces is free to your company.
You can increase your company profits by farming electricity on your roof or land.
A well-designed Solar System offers a great return on investment with ROIs ranging from 10% to 30% and more.
- CitiGreen can model the returns for you.
- CitiGreen designs a custom system for your company for no cost.
Have your roof generate income for your company.
- A dollar saved is a dollar earned. With a Solar System that takes advantage of net metering, you can sell power to the grid at a higher price than the power that you purchase.
- You can sell excess power to your neighbors, if you want to generate more income
- CitiGreen has many other ways for you to generate a positive ROI on a Solar System; ask us how.
You can show your Company’s green credentials by installing a Solar system.
- Stakeholders will know exactly what steps your company is taking to cut their carbon emissions, while increasing net profits.
- By installing a solar system your company’s promise of sustainable practices becomes real.
- More and more companies are installing Solar PV to make a significant contribution to achieving reduced carbon emissions.