What is PG&E Peak Day Pricing?
Beginning last month, one or more of your business accounts will transition from a time-of-use electric rate plan to a Peak Day Pricing rate plan. This is part of a requirement by the California Public Utilities Commission to encourage conservation when energy demand is higher. Peak Day Pricing works along with your existing time-of-use plan, applying higher energy prices on 9 to 15 Event Days per year in exchange for discounted energy rates at all other times from May 1st through October 31st.
Should I opt out of Peak Day Pricing?
PG&E can give you a personalized rate analysis to help you estimate how your electric bills may change. To access your online rate analysis anytime visit pge.com/myrateanalysis. If you have more than one service account, you will need to do an analysis with each account number. You will need your account login username and password.
If you decide to opt out of Peak Day Pricing, you can do so at anytime without being penalized. To opt out, log into your account by visiting pge.com/pdpchoice.
High electric bills gouging your bottom line?
Citigreen is in the business of saving YOU money. We do this by providing a free and complimentary energy audit of your business. We use your actual electrical usage, so your proposal is tailor-made to your business.
Switch fluorescent lights to energy saving LED lights
If you are currently using fluorescent lights, switching over to LED lights is more efficient and longer lasting. Our energy audit includes a LED proposal to show you how the switch can save you money from day one. More good news for PG&E business customers. PG&E provides eligible business customers zero-interest loans of $5,000-$100,000 to finance energy efficiency projects that receive their rebates and incentives.
Lower your electric bill in 2018
Our custom LED lighting proposal will also include a complimentary solar proposal to show you the economics of adding solar to your building. Both proposals are done at no cost to you and the turnaround time is 7-10 business days. Call us today to set up your free energy audit!